Template for Engaging Consultants
Part A is to be completed and then sent via email to Accountability and any relevant project team members to seek approval for the engagement of a consultant. Minimum level of approval required is by Programmes (Programmes Manager or Assistant Programmes Manager) and Finance (Chief Financial Officer or Finance & Admin Manager).
Parts B and C will then be completed once approval has been granted and before a contract is given to the preferred consultant.
Part A: To be filled by Programme Staff
1. Employee Name:
Gino Osahon
2. Project:
Bridging Engagement and Accountability Project (funded by the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Foundation)
3. Project/budget code: Yar’Adua - 441.2.2 4. Terms of reference: This work aims to increase and improve the level of engagement between the NDDC and citizens in the Niger Delta as a way of working towards improved delivery of public services and greater transparency and accountability in the work of the institution through the use of innovative interactive interfaces and technology.
This consultancy is aimed at upgrading the https://developnd.ng/ with the below listed features for the Building Engagement and Accountability project funded by the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Foundation.
Specific tasks you must complete include the following:
The consultant is to upgrade the developnd.ng platform with the following requirements:
Build a feature that will enable community needs to be captured on the platform
Improve the user experience of the current platform, by creating a new UI design.
Build a chat bot feature so users can be well engaged and other interesting features to keep users engaged
Feature that allows for users to report a project in their community
Build a feature that allows for interaction with each project
Users should be able to flag posts if they are incorrect/untrue
Users should be able to leave conversations on each project
Users should be able to share the project to social media
Build a 1 or 2 minutes animated video that will act as a guide on how to use the platform. This video will be embedded on the platform so users can view it.
Build a feature that will enable an admin to track and find comments left by users on the platform projects.
Create well documented public APIs to expose the data on the current platform to anyone that is seeking to use such data for their projects.
Upload data from a scanned excel sheet to the platform's database.
The output for this consultancy will be;
A fully revamped and upgraded developnd.ng platform with the above listed features
Please note that any document or database which has/will be provided to you for the purposes of this consultancy are strictly proprietary and confidential. You must not share them further or use them for any purpose beyond this consultancy.”
5. Link to Programme/Project Objective:
The activity is under the ‘Bridging Engagement and Accountability’ Project
6. Proposed Consultant(s) in order of preference:
Not yet selected
7. Preferred Consultants’ Contact Information
Not yet selected
8. Proposed number of consultancy day(s): 12 weeks
Week 1
If a consultant is selected to provide the services after going through the application, selection and contract signing stages, the consultant will meet with the SDN project team to discuss the above listed features and how they intend to Build the features.
Deliverable: Report of that meeting
Week 2 and 4
At the end of week four, the consultant will present a new UI design for review and approval by the SDN project team.
Deliverable: Complete UI design and approval from SDN project team
Week 5 and 10
Consultant begins Building of the new UI design and the above listed features and presents updates to SDN project team. During this time there will be check-ins and periodic sign-off of design stages by SDN.
Developer will test all aspects of the project, including Quality Assurance testing for functionality, spelling and grammatical errors, consistency of graphics, and technical specifications. During this time, SDN may request some revisions and tweaking.
Deliverable: Fully tested website.
Week 11 and 12
All final testing and tweaking will be completed. The project will be completely delivered and signed off by SDN
10. Please provide justification on the preferred consultant:
Consultant has not been selected yet
Payments of total budget will be processed upon delivery of the following product along with invoice:
Project startup (40%)
Website development, iteration and testing (40%)
All deliverables are provided (20%)
11. Proposed consultancy fee:
Consultant will submit a proposal containing budget and there will be room to negotiate price with the SDN team Reimbursable Expenses: None.
12. Are there any known risks or challenges that SDN should be aware of with any of the suggested or preferred consultants above, e.g. safety, SDN reputation, SDN brand, conflict of interest, relationship with SDN or its staff etc. How will these be managed and mitigated?
NOTE: When managing the activities and days worked by the Consultant it is important to make sure that all relevant parties are kept informed. This will help to ensure that there are adequate resources available and that the payment process can be managed effectively and smoothly. Therefore, if there are any deviations to the contractual number of days to be worked by the Consultant in any given time period this must be documented over email and communicated to the Finance and Admin department by the SDN project team lead.
Click here to submit an application for this call.
Click here to view the official ToR.
Part B: To be filled by Admin Staff
Employee Name:
CVs of Consultants obtained Yes/No
Contact information of Consultants obtained Yes/No
Scan of identification of preferred Consultant obtained Yes/No
Bank and tax (e.g. TIN) details for payments obtained Yes/No
Part C: To be filled by Finance Staff
Employee Name:
The final fees for this work, including how much will be paid upfront and how much will be paid upon successful completion of the scope of work (excluding reimbursable expenses)
Please provide details of any reimbursable expenses that will be funded
Please confirm the project that is funding this consultancy service